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La Nochecita – May 2024

La Nochecita 05/24

TDJ: Markus Quander (Leipzig)

For Markus, DJing embodies the pursuit of the two essential elements that every tango dancer craves: the heart and the groove.

Markus believes in touching the heart with tango music, evoking a desire to embrace each other tenderly. Secondly, Markus emphasizes the importance of the groove, which should pulse through the dancers’ bodies, inspiring dreams and igniting passions. The fusion of these two elements—the heart and the groove—creates what Markus refers to as “The Flow,” a state of body and mind dedicated solely to the dance.

Markus’s greatest passion as a tango DJ is ensuring that every dancer on the floor experiences this flow. Recognizing that the music must first pass through their ears before reaching their hearts, Markus meticulously selects tunes from a vast collection of high-quality tango transfers to provide the best possible sound quality. Through his careful curation, Markus strives to create an atmosphere where dancers can lose themselves in the music, fully immersed in the joy and intensity of the tango experience.

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May 11 2024


Date: 11 May 2024
Time: 19:00 - 23:30
Cost: €10
Event Categories:


MAINFELD | Raum für Kultur

Im Mainfeld 6
Frankfurt am Main, 60528 Germany

+ Google Map


  • 19:00 Doors are opening
  • 23:30 End of the last tanda