TDJ: Manuel (Bern, CH)
Manuel started with the tango and as a DJ in Munich in 2014 and, after almost 2 years in Berlin, has been living in Bern, Switzerland, since 2020.
When choosing music, he emphasises the great orchestras of the golden 30s to 50s, a good balance between more dynamic, rhythmic and emotional, dramatic tangos as well as atmospheric cortinas. Other important aspects for him as a DJ are the best sound and a heart and eye for the lyricism in tango.
During his time in Berlin, he was resident DJ at Milonga Popular, and as a guest DJ he has played at hundreds of milongas throughout Europe as well as at marathons and festivals in Germany, Austria, Greece, Switzerland, Ukraine, Russia and Korea, among others. In 2018, he prevailed against more than 50 competitors in the jury decision of the first Play2play@Remolino DJ competition.