La Nochecita – October

Instituto Cervantes Staufenstraße 1, Frankfurt, Germany



La Tardecita – October

Instituto Cervantes Staufenstraße 1, Frankfurt am Main, Germany



Long Tango Weekend – Winter

Instituto Cervantes Staufenstraße 1, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

In this magic March, our La Nochecita and La Tradecita are being reunited, thanks to a lucky constellation in calendar. Together they become the Long Tango Weekend, hosted by Frankfurt Tango Society.

La Nochecita – December

Instituto Cervantes Staufenstraße 1, Frankfurt, Germany



La Tardecita – December

Instituto Cervantes Staufenstraße 1, Frankfurt am Main, Germany



La Tardecita – December

MAINFELD | Raum für Kultur Im Mainfeld 6, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

TDJ: Oxana Kovalenko (Basel, CH) Oxana is an internationally travelling Tango-DJ from Basel (Switzerland) and the co-organizer of the famose "Maracuentro" - Tango marathon with Love! "I began DJing at milongas in 2013 and after the first time I understood that this would be my way in Tango. I do it with pleasure! For me the […]


La Tardecita – Januar

MAINFELD | Raum für Kultur Im Mainfeld 6, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

TDJ: Silvia Fracchia (Cagliari, It) Silvia Fracchia has been dancing Argentine tango since the late 90s, when she started to engage in the study and dissemination of this fascinating dance. In 1998 she was one of the founders of the first tango society in Cagliari (Sardinia, IT). Since 2010 she coorganises with her partner Bernard […]
